Writing a News Article or Story
The Journalists and Writers Foundation, New York, (JWF), has launched a journalism project about writing a news article or telling an authentic story from different regions of the world. As a part of the program, participants of the Media and Journalism Webinars are encouraged to write a news article on a variety of social, economic, political, or environmental issues. News articles will be published on JWF’s blog and shared with its global partners for global visibility. This hands-on experience will help participants develop professional and personal growth in media and journalism.
This is what is required of participants:
- Participants will select topics of interest on press freedom, freedom of speech and expression, and human rights in relation to the culture of peace, human rights, and sustainable development.
- Then, participants will research their topic and gather facts-based data based on open resources, interviews, and other available sources.
- Finally, participants will write news articles or stories that will be published on the Journalists and Writers Foundation’s website and blog.
Overview & Specifics
- The Journalism Project is an opportunity for participants to investigate a topic of interest in press freedom, freedom of speech and expression, and human rights related to the culture of peace, human rights, and sustainable development.
- The news article must be an original and in-depth contribution to the public knowledge of social, economic, technological (AI), or environmental issues.
- Support your arguments with a detailed explanation of how your article will advance public knowledge on the topic. That explanation can include a story pitch on social media.
- Your article should address media ethics and consideration related to the topic.
- The projects should be between 700 to 1500 words, excluding references and sources.
- A group of 2-3 participants may work together on a joint journalism project and publish it together.
Project Outline
1- Abstract
Summarize and pitch your project in 150 words or less.
- State your topic and your interest in it.
- Establish the greater context and news value of your topic.
- Pitch your story idea and name your target audience.
- Make a strong argument on how your work will advance public knowledge.
- Provide answers to these 3 questions: What’s the point? Why now? Why you?
2- Resume
Include a professional photo and resume of no more than 1 page.
3- Pre-Reporting
Pre-reporting doesn’t equal reporting. Therefore, begin with laying out the preliminary research plan to do and get ready for reporting your story. List and describe previous journalistic coverage of the topic.
- List and describe previous journalistic works on the topic.
- List and describe sources for background research.
- If necessary, describe how you will acquire specific skills for your project.
- Discuss ethical issues associated with your project.
4- Reporting and Production
Describe the anticipated reporting and production phase of your project.
- Formulate a story pitch of 150 words or less.
- List availability of sources, including individuals, experts, documents, websites, etc.
5- Publication
Describe how you plan to publish or otherwise disseminate your work.
- List and assess possible venues of publication if any sites other than JWF’s blog.
- List and assess conferences if you want to present at.
6- Timeline & References
- Draw up a timeline on when you plan to complete each phase of your work.
- Document every source you’ve used for your news article.
- Deadline for submission will be one month after the webinar session.
Contact: Send your new articles or story to: info@jwf.org